Black necklace
Esta semana he hecho un collar trenzado negro, súper básico, pero ideal para cualquier día.
This week I've done a black necklace, superbasic, but perfect for everyday.
Material: muchos hilos, bolas negras, arandelas, alambres, cierres.
Supplies: a bunch of thread, black beads, wire, rings, closers
1. First of all we have to cut the thread (I cut them from an old huge bobbin I had at home), it took me the longest, but if you do it with thicker thread it will take less. When they are cut you tie a knot on one side, do a simple braid and tie another knot on the other side.
2. Lo siguiente será poner las bolas que cuelgan, es tan sencillo como pasar por los alambres y enrollarlos alrededor de unos cuantos hilos.
2. The next step will be hanging beads, it is so easy, you only have to introduce the beads on the wires and roll them around some thread.
3.We sew the cristals, we only have to pay attention with the initial knot, because it can't be done as usual, you have to pass the thread trought the braid and go back to the initial point, and then we tie the knot.
Para terminar le ponemos dos arandelas grande alrededor de la trenza junto al nudo y a una de ellas se le pone un cierre, y listo!
To finish we add two rings around the bride next to the knot and to one of them we intoduce a closer item, and that's it!
Este es el resultado!
This is how it looks!
Y gracias por visitarme!
Thanks for reading!
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